
Developing a Marketing Plan - Business Wisdom Workshops

Written by Arnold Shields | Aug 13, 2009 2:25:31 PM

This month in our Business Wisdom Workshops, we are developing a marketing plans for our clients’ businesses.

By examining the essential components of a marketing plan, our clients will finish the workshop with a marketing plan that they will be able to start using straight away. One of the troubles with many marketing plans is that they are filled with motherhood statements like “develop a top of mind brand” and “become the industry leader”. Those ideas just don’t work with small business.

A small business owner needs to be out there every day marketing his business, developing relationships and sowing the seeds for future growth. It is a never ending task that is essential for every business – developing a continous supply of leads. This month, our clients will have a strategy, a checklist and a plan to ensure that they don’t leave their marketing behind.

The great strength of our Business Wisdom Workshops is the interaction between the members, who are all small business owners, as to what ideas work, what difficulties they found and developing strategies to tackle the next task.

Our Business Wisdom Workshops are held each month and present small business owners with professional proactive advice on running their business. If you are interested, please contact Arnold Shields on 02 9411 5422.