A sole trader is the most simple business structure consisting of an individual trading on their...
Different Business Structures: Part 3: Partnership
A partnership is formed when two or more people (up to 20) go into business together with a view to making a profit. They may operate under their own names or with a registered business name. Limited partnerships involve passive investors who are not involved in managing the business.
A partnership is not a separate legal entity and does not pay income tax on the income earned by the partnership. Instead, each partner pays tax on their share of net partnership income. In a partnership, liability is also unlimited (unless you are in a limited partnership) and extended to debts incurred by a partner without the knowledge or consent of the other partner.
Advantages of Partnership
- Can use 50% discount method to calculate capital gains.
- Can use CGT small business concessions.
- Can lend without tax consequences i.e. no Division 7A
- Losses can be offset against other income
- Easy to admit partners and trading stock and rollover relief is available
- It is inexpensive to set up or run
- Easily understood
- Can refinance working capital
- If trust used as partners, asset protection can be gained.
Disadvantages of Partnership
- From an income taxation perspective, partnership cannot utilize FBT salary packaging
- Personal Services Income Rule apply.
- Non-commercial loss rules apply.
- Possible double taxation of working capital when partners leaves partnership
- There is unlimited liability
- PAYG calculation can be complex
- Cannot claim interest on borrowings to make superannuation contributions
- Substantiation rules apply for certain expenses
Other articles in this series:
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