
EOFY Countdown: Essential Tips for Managing Your Finances and Claiming Deductions

Written by Dolman Bateman | Jul 3, 2023 12:38:48 AM

As the end of the financial year (EOFY) approaches, it's time to take stock of your finances and ensure you're making the most of any available deductions. Whether you're a business owner or an individual taxpayer, understanding the strategies and actions you can take can help you effectively manage the EOFY and optimise your financial situation. Explore the significance of EOFY, discuss key considerations for individuals and businesses, and highlight the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. 

Assess Your Position on Realised Capital Gains: 

Review your gains or losses on investments realised throughout the year to gain a clear understanding of what your gain or loss position is. This will help you identify potential areas where you can make strategic adjustments to improve your tax position. One of these maybe to realise an investment that is in a loss position, thus reducing the capital gains made.  

Prepay Expenses and Delay Income: 

Timing plays a vital role in optimising deductions during the EOFY. Consider prepaying certain expenses before 30th June to claim the deduction in the current financial year. This strategy can apply to expenses such as insurance premiums, subscriptions, or interest payments. On the other hand, for businesses operating on an accrual basis, it may be beneficial to defer billing until after 30th June 2023. This ensures that the revenue will be recognised in the subsequent financial year. 

Supercharge Your Superannuation Contributions: 

Contributing to your superannuation is not only a wise retirement planning strategy but can also provide immediate tax benefits. To qualify for a deduction, including any extra or voluntary concessional contributions, it is essential to ensure that your superannuation payments are made before 30th June 2023. Please be aware that as the payment date gets closer to the deadline, there is a decreased likelihood of the Superannuation Fund accepting and processing the payment before the 30th June cutoff. 

Inventory Management: 

For businesses that rely on inventory, conduct a thorough stocktake on or closest to 30th June 2023. This process involves carefully assessing and recording the quantity and value of the items in your stock. By performing a comprehensive stocktake, you can ensure accurate reporting of the inventory's value in your financial statements. 

Work From Home Hours: 

The process for claiming work-from-home hours has undergone changes for individuals utilising the fixed rate method. 

• Between 1st July 2022 and 28th February 2023, it is necessary to maintain a representative record of the hours worked from home. One approach is to keep a record for a specific timeframe, such as one month, and then apply it to cover the entire period. 

• From 1st March 2023 to 30th June 2023, however, it is mandatory to maintain a record of all the actual hours worked. It is no longer allowed to utilise a representative example or estimate the hours worked during this period. 

It is important to note that the record-keeping requirements for the actual cost method remain unchanged. 

Claim Other Applicable Deductions: 

To maximise your deductions, it's crucial to understand the expenses that may be tax-deductible. Common deductions for individuals include work-related expenses (e.g., uniforms, tools, or professional development), charitable donations, and investment-related expenses (e.g., interest payments or financial advice fees). If you have any deductions that can be paid before 30th June, by promptly paying these deductions, you can maximise your potential tax benefits or deductions for the current financial year. 

Asset Purchases for Small Businesses: 

Considering the upcoming changes to the immediate write-off deduction in the 2024 Financial Year (reducing it to $20,000), it is advisable to make asset purchases exceeding $20,000 before 30th June 2023. Doing so allows you to claim the full immediate write-off in the current financial year. 

Bad Debts: 

It is important to thoroughly examine your pending invoices and identify any irrecoverable debts for write-off by 30th June 2023. This step is essential to maintain accurate financial records and ensure the integrity of your accounts receivable. By addressing bad debts promptly, you can effectively manage your cash flow, make informed business decisions, and avoid potential tax implications. 

Take Control of Your EOFY: Maximise Deductions and Optimise Finances Today! Contact us now if you have any questions. 

This blog has been prepared for the purposes of general information and guidance only. It should not be used for specific advice or used for formulating decisions under any circumstances. If you would like specific advice about your own personal circumstances, please feel free to contact us on 02 9411 5422. We can help make sure the right method is used to give you the maximum possible tax deduction associated with any of these methods.