In response to users suggestions, we have now included an option to increase probable earnings with...
Lawcalc Updated - Custom Economic Loss
In response to users suggestions, we have just updated Lawcalc, our personal injury damages calculator, to include a custom economic loss option.
The Custom Economic Loss option allows you to create economic loss scenarios where probable earnings can be increased over time. That is, the first period can be $700 gross per week, the next period $725 per week and so on.
We now have two options in respect of economic loss:
- Simple Economic Loss - which assumes the same probable earnings over past and future economic loss, and
- Custom Economic Loss - where you can define the increase over earnings over time. For example, increasing the plaintiff's probable earnings with CPI.
We have also made some adjustments to the Domestic Care scenarios and added more data validation to prevent errors.
Lawcalc by Dolman Bateman is free to use and only takes minutes to register and to create detailed economic loss and domestic care reports.
If you have any questions, please contact us.