The debate between Mailchimp vs Office AutoPilot. For a number of years, we used Mailchimp as our...
OfficeAutoPilot Review
I have just moved email service providers from Mailchimp to OfficeAutoPilot and I am really impressed.
We used Mailchimp for a number of years and it provided great reports on email delivery open and click through rates but as our email list became bigger and more complex, it became more difficult to split the list into different segments to ensure that we delivered content and information that matched their interests. we ended up with a number of lists and sometimes people were on more than one list. The result was that they would get the same email twice or more.
So the first reason for moving to OfficeAutoPilot, was the ability to use tags to segment the email list into their interests. So we now have one big list and each person can have multiple tags.
But it got even better - because it is also a CRM system, website tracking, payment processing and Wordpress membership system.
OfficeAutoPilot has:
- Sequences: These are automation processes. So that when an event happens, it sets in place a set number of steps and actions. These steps can include tasks (make phone call, send email etc) that a staff member is allocated to do, to changing tags (change prospect tag to client etc.) to sending auto responder emails. You can set up logic systems like if someone does this, then do this, else do this. Powerful stuff both for online businesses and especially for traditional businesses as well. This enables you to put in place systems for your business that get applied every time by every person in your business.
- CRM - Customer Relationship Management - it will also record all your dealings with a client like phone calls, emails, purchases etc. In a pure internet business, this could be completely automated including payment processing, invoicing, delivery of products, reporting and communications.
- Wordpress Membership. It has a built in membership system for Wordpress. I have used a few membership systems and it is looking very powerful including drip feeds, multiple membership levels and restricted content areas.
- Smartforms - these are forms that you add to your site so that visitors can sign up to your newsletter or download eBook etc. The really powerful feature is that you can combine the forms with sequences to produce a series of actions that occurs when someone subscribes to your list or makes an enquiry.
It is more expensive that just than Mailchimp or aWeber but it paid for itself on the first day.
To see all the features and see how it works go to