Justice Robson of the Victorian Supreme Court in the matter of Linton Shirreff v Elazac Pty Ltd...
Online Tools For Lawyers
We have developed a number of online tools and calculators to make lawyers work just that little bit easier.
Tax Calculator - Most useful for personal injury lawyers as it calculates weekly and annual tax from 2004 to 2011. This calculator is specifically designed for economic loss calculations.
Actuarial Calculator - designed specifically for personal injury lawyers. This calculator provides the basic actuarial data that you would include as part of your statement of claim such as: Age at date of accident, number of weeks since date of accident, years to retirement and and the appropriate discount rate.
Life Expectancy calculator - essential for domestic care claims and future equipment claims. This calculator shows the life expectancy based on current age and gender. There is also options for life expectancy based on the ABS tables or the medium life expectancy.
Discount Tables - enter the date of hearing and any date in the future and it will show the relevant discount rate based on the 5%, 6% or 3% discount tables.
Domestic Care Calculator - Essential for personal injury lawyers, the domestic care calculator calculates in accordance with the relevant act, using the Average Weekly Earnings data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It allows for multiple periods so calculations can be made where care requirements change over time.
LawCalc - This comprehensive tool for personal injury lawyers calculates past & future economic loss, past & future superannuation loss and past & future domestic care. LawCalc is so powerful that we use LawCalc in our own personal injury economic loss reports because it is accurate and saves times.
Pre-Judgment Interest Calculator - calculates pre-judgment interest based on the new formula for pre-judgment interest being 4% over the RBA cash rate.
Any other suggestions for new calculators for lawyers? We would love to hear them?