Your superannuation should allow you to maintain your standard of living without comprise, giving you long term financial security. It is a long term savings vehicle and an effective way to accumulate wealth in a low tax environment.
But the problem most people are facing, is that there seems to be a disconnect between the ownership of your super and the control of your super. There are so many rules and regulations, for you to understand and wrap your head around, in order to make a well informed decision, that many feel like their super could be working harder for them. Unless your profession is within the financial industry, there is simply not enough time to understand everything you need to know.
However as forensic investigative accountants, Dolman Bateman have been exposed to many forms of superannuation structures.
From our analysis and litigation research we've gain a great deal of experience in self managed super funds, also known as, SMSFs.
Earlier this year we conducted a survey about SMSFs. From the survey we have created a workshop that will answer many of the most important questions about SMSFs. These include:
Where: The Hilton Hotel, Sydney CBD
When: 10th December, 2012 @ 1pm - 2pm
Cost: Free
You can sign up below