Xero eWay Integration for Credit Card Payments
Xero How To: Add Paypal Payment Option To Your Invoices
One of the key methods for managing your cashflow is reducing your debtors days - the average number of days that your invoices are outstanding.
If you can make it easier for your customers to pay, you will be paid quicker. You need to give them as many options as possible for them to transfer money from their bank account to yours.
Paypal is one of those options. Many people will have a balance in their Paypal account especially online businesses and Paypal will also enable you accept credit cards.
This is how to set up your invoices so that your customers can pay from a clickable link embeded in their invoice.
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One of the key methods of managing your cash flow is reducing your debtor’s days – the average number of days that your invoices are outstanding.
If you can make it easier for your customers to pay, they would pay quicker – you need to give them as many options as possible for them to transfer money from their bank account to your account.
Paypal is one of those options. Many people will have a balance in their Paypal account, especially online businesses and Paypal also enables you to accept credit cards.
This is how to set up your invoices so your customers can pay from a clickable link embedded in their invoices.
Let’s go about setting it up. We go to ‘settings, ‘general settings’, we go down to ‘invoice settings’ and we click on the ‘payment services’ – add payment services. There are a number ways – eWay, Stripe.
We are just going to click Paypal and so we are just going to put in our name which is just a name to describe it and then we are going to put in your Paypal email address whichever you are using and then click ‘save’.
Then we have to assign this Paypal item to an invoice. We are just going to client on ‘invoice themes’
and we are just going to apply it to the standard one.
Now we just have to test how that works. We go to ‘accounts’, ‘sales’ and we will click this one here which brings up an invoice now we will print the invoice here. So now you can see that the invoice has a clickable link on it.
We click on the link and it will take us through to Paypal and with your email address up there and then click ‘payment’.
It is a good idea to practice working through the whole system to ensure that it actually works and is going through to the right account.
In the testing process, set up an invoice for $1 and test the process from beginning to end. Test that your invoices are going out with the link.
You need to test that the link works – you need to pay that invoice by Paypal or credit card and then you need to check your Paypal account to see that the money has been deposited.
The following day you can check to see if the receipt came through on your Paypal feed.